BOMB CALORIMETER Semi-Automatic Digital (ΜProcessor Controller)

Designed as per fundamental Standards : BS-1016 - Part 5 (1967), BIS-1350 - Part 2 and IP - 12/63T. Bomb of capacity 300ml and crucible made of corrosion resistant stainless steel alloy. Supplied complete with water jacket, regulating valve, safety valve, Digital Beckman Thermometer, Stirrer and set of standard accessories.
Manufacturer: MAC
Product Code: MSW-506(MP)
GST: 35640.00 %
Catalog Number: MSW-506(MP)
HSN Code: 841420
Packaging: NOS
₹ 1,98,000.00

For determination of heat combustion of organic matter and calorific value and sulphur content of coal, solid and liquid fuels. The Bomb has a capacity of 300ml approximately. The bomb is provided with a high-pressure Schrader valve, which opens and allows filling of bomb, by oxygen because of oxygen pressure from the cylinder. Each bomb is tested as per the requirement of Institute of petroleum (IP 12/63T). Supplied with Bomb Calorimeter Vessel with Bomb Support, Water Jacket, and Combined Lid for Calorimeter Vessel. Supplied with water Jacket, Stirrer, Connecting leads, connecting tube to connect bomb and pressure gauge. Connecting tube with fine adjustment valve to connect pressure gauge and oxygen cylinder. With pressure gauge on stand, spanner for oxygen tube connection, ignition wire (2 meters) Nichrome. With Cotton Reel, stand for Bomb Lid, Hook for lifting Bomb, Stainless Steel Crucible. With Gelatine Capsules, Gas Release Valve, Jacket Thermometer. With Bomb Firing Unit and Pellet Press.


  1. Microcontroller-Based System:

    • Utilizes a microcontroller for precise control and measurement.
  2. LCD Display:

    • JUMBO size 16 x 2 characters LCD display with backlight for easy visibility.
  3. Temperature Measurement:

    • High-resolution temperature scanning (0.01⁰C).
  4. Timer Control:

    • Real Time Clock (RTC) for accurate timing control.
  5. Thermal Printer Interface:

    • Interface for a thermal printer to provide a printed report.
  6. Printed Report Format:

    • Custom report formats for Sample Test and Water Equivalent Test.
    • Includes company name, type of test, max temperature rise, mass of tablet, water equivalent, final calculated calorific value, and date/time of the test.
  7. Digital Features:

    • 16 soft-touch keypad for menu-driven settings.
    • Automatic detection of temperature rise and fall.
    • Automatic measurement and mathematical calculation of calorific value/Water Equivalent.
  8. User-Settable Parameters:

    • Weight of tablet settable through keypad.
    • Water equivalent settable through keypad.
  9. Automatic Calculation:

    • Automatic calculation for Sample Test or Water Equivalent Test from the maximum temperature rise value.
  10. Full Test Report:

    • Provides a complete test report with date, time, and company name.
  11. Alarms:

    • Automatic alarm on firing and after test completion.
  12. Sensor and Fuse Wire Detection:

    • Sensor open detection.
    • Fuse wire open detection.
  13. User-Friendly Interface:

    • LCD displays user-friendly system handling messages.
  14. Type of Test Selection:

    • Allows the selection of the type of test.

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